Corona Virus and Services Moving Forward

Due to the spread of the Corona Virus and the recommendations of both our Federal and Local governments, St Matthew will be making the following changes to our ministry:

    • We have a live steam of our 8 a.m. Sunday service on Facebook. If you feel more comfortable attending a service remotely, this is a great option to stay connected with the word.
    • Our office hours will be shortened to 9-11 am.  If you need anything, you can certainly call the office.  You may also call Pastor Olson at 920-450-0560, Pastor Kuske at 920-750-0828, or our receptionist Terri Frahm at 920-915-2239.

We will be using Facebook Live to do devotions and shortened worship services.  Please “like” our Facebook page to see these services.  We plan on following this schedule:

  • Saturdays at 5:30 pm (Mask Optional)
  • Sunday at 8 am (Mask Only)
  • Sunday at 10:30 am (Mask Optional)

Please watch for emails with devotions and our website for the archived copies of these services.

If there is anything that St Matthew can do for you, please don’t hesitate to contact either Pastor Olson or Pastor Kuske.  We are happy to help in any way that we can!

While this is certainly an uncertain time, we live in the certainty of God’s promises that he stands over all things for his Church.  We pray that God would be with us, our country, and our world during this uncertain time and fill us with the certainty that only his promises can offer.


  1. Reply
    Rebecca Curtis says:

    Are you doing any music and need anyone to sing or play? I am happy to help.

    • Reply
      Pamela Koehler-Zastrow says:

      Hi Rebecca, I will send your message over to the Pastors. They will reach out to you.

  2. Reply
    Pat Wilson says:

    I just wonder if there will be a service on facebook, this Sunday, Easter, and what time it would be broadcast. Please reply, Thanks

    • Reply
      Pamela Koehler-Zastrow says:

      Hi Pat! Yes, we will have services on Facebook this weekend. Saturday at 5:30 p.m., and Sunday at 8 am and 10 am.

  3. Reply
    Anne says:

    Are you taking donations? If so, what kinds?

    • Reply
      Pamela Koehler-Zastrow says:

      Hi Anne,
      Please call our office regarding donations. Thanks!

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