For Thine is the Glory

What is God’s glory like?  And why does it have such a hold on us?  It’s all waiting for us as we join Jesus’ disciple John in his mountaintop experience in Revelation.  Join him and us, to get a better glimpse of God’s incredible glory.

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Faith, Hope, and Love

Like, three pillars that rise from a foundation, God makes us strong with faith, hope, and love in Jesus.  With Faith in Jesus’ death as our Savior from all evil.  Then with certain Hope of life with God now, and forever in heaven.  And then too, with his constant and...

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I Give Them Eternal Life

How close are you with your pet(s)?  If you’re like a lot of folks, you’re pretty close.  Many pets instinctively know how you’re feeling, and you to a degree them.  But shepherds and their sheep are on a whole different level.  There’s a bond between them that most people and...

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Worthy is the Lamb

“It’s right out there!”  “Where, I don’t see it?”  You’ve probably had one of those back-and-forths about something interesting to see in the distance.  You just have to be looking in the right place.  That’s especially important when you’re looking off into the distance, into your future.  Even to heaven. ...

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Easter Isn’t Over – There’s Much More

Back to work and school.  Family and friends are done visiting.  Easter food and candy (lots of it) are about gone.  Special services at church are over.  Or are they?  At St. Matthew we’re celebrating Easter Sunday 2 this weekend.  That means more Easter hymns, more Easter good news, and...

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Gathering for Easter at St. Matthew

It was “life shattering” news for Rob & Chara.  Tests had revealed their unborn daughter had a high risk of spinal muscular atrophy.  They soon found out how crippling, even how deadly, SMA could be for their unborn daughter.  There were sleepless nights and anxious days.  What would happen to their...

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Hosanna to Jesus

We might say “Hallelujah!”  The Jews shouted “Hosanna.”  It was from a familiar holiday song, “Save us now!”  It also took on a second meaning, for when God had come through for them:  “Praise the Lord!”  We actually can say both at the same time.  “Hosanna – Rescue us now!” ...

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God Has a Way Through

It’s just not going to work any other way.  I don’t like it, but I’m going to have to do it that way.  We often fool ourselves, or are tempted into thinking that way.  It’s when “the way” that we have our minds made up is a sinful way.  One...

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Jesus Sympathizes with Us

It’s not easy to be “vulnerable:”  to be willing to admit your weaknesses and your faults.  With certain people you can’t be vulnerable.  They’ll use your weaknesses against you.  Not Jesus.  He has suffered in the same ways that you’ve suffered.  With one big difference. He suffered without succumbing to...

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