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Gathering for Easter at St. Matthew

It was “life shattering” news for Rob & Chara.  Tests had revealed their unborn daughter had a high risk of spinal muscular atrophy.  They soon found out how crippling, even how deadly, SMA could be for their unborn daughter.  There were sleepless nights and anxious days.  What would happen to their dear little one?

Paul offered them help.  That’s the Apostle Paul.  He wrote to them in 1 Corinthians 15:  “You have taken your stand . . . and are saved . . . if you hold firmly to this word:  ‘Christ died for our sins . . . he was buried . . . and he was raised on the third day.”  Simply reciting the Apostles Creed takes away the sleepless nights and anxious days.  Really?  Really!

That’s because Jesus dying & suctioning the sins out of you, really took place.  You’re forgiven!  And Jesus rising again, and coming to live in you by faith, gives you life.  Even when a deadly disease is stalking.  

Be with us this weekend for our Living Lord’s life-saving, from life-shattering events.

Easter Vigil:  5:30 pm Saturday, April 20th

Easter Sunday Services:  8:00 am  &   10:00 am, April 21st

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