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Christ Completes Us

Something missing from your life today? At times it seems like there is. Really though, when you consider God’s love for you and what it has done for you and is doing in you, it’s so incredibly satisfying. Read on.

Christ Completes Us
Jerry (Tom Cruise) finally reaches the top as the agent of a new NFL star. But as he revels in the limelight, something’s missing. His estranged wife Dorothy (Renee Zellweger) isn’t there to share it with him. He drives straight to her house, looks into her eyes, and confesses, “You complete me.” A now famous line from the movies (“Jerry Maguire” for you Silver Screen trivia fans).

We have it much better. God looked down into our world, even into our hearts, and promised, “I complete you.” You’ve seen the image. Jesus reclining at the table with his disciples around him. Hanging on every word that he says, because tomorrow, he’ll be dead. He looks into their eyes and grabs hold of their hearts, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love . . . I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. (John 15:9-11)

They were confused, frightened, disappointed, shocked, but Jesus was providing the one thing they needed to get them through. That he and the Father loved them, completely, unconditionally. And he’d prove God’s love, fill them with it, by dying for them so they could believe and be sure of it. And then his love in them would show itself: they’d be ready to follow and obey. And in doing so, reassure themselves, “We’re still loved by God. Nothing could make us happier!”

Each time you do one more thing for the kids – even now that they’re grown. Or you take on more of the responsibility of caring for elderly parents or relatives. Or you make that visit, or phone call, to that friend who hasn’t been doing so well. Or you’re complimentary, you come to the rescue of the co-worker, even though they’d never do that for you. Or you simply make up your mind, “I’m going to do the right thing!”

There’s no greater joy! Because in such obedience to God, God’s showing us something incredible, “I love God, and even better, I’m loved by him.” And when we look closer to be sure, there’s Jesus saying and showing at the cross, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.” Even “I complete you.” Be satisfied, be fulfilled, be complete – in knowing you’re loved by Jesus and then in loving him back. Love others, and as you do, know that you’re loving him, too. And you do, you can, because he, God, loved you first and always will.

Pastor Jon

Join us this coming Sat at 5:30 and Sun at 9:00 to hear the Spirit speak, and assure, “You are God’s children.” Romans 8:14-17

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